It is said that the technology of Dantsu making was officially introduced to Japan in the Genroku era (early Edo period), and unique Dantsu began to be made with this technology in various parts of Japan. Meanwhile, the patterns were designed with great creativity. They didn’t imitate the Chinese patterns, but invented their original patterns. “Ako Dantsu” was no exception, and was seeking unique patterns. As the Edo period ended and the Meiji period began, the government encouraged technology improvement in expectation of export of the Dantsu. The imperial treasure kept in Shosoin was shown to the public as reference samples in the 7th year of Meiji period (1874). In this way, the inventive ideas and efforts of the people involved started the new story of “Ako Dantsu” as the Japanese culture, a mixture of Oriental and Japanese culture.
The pattern of beautiful, curved scrolling vine around Chinese flowers used to be called “Goryo”. It seems to have been presented to the Imperial family as carpets for the Imperial train and the Crown Prince’s boat, and the throne seat of the Privy Council.
The pattern, which has existed among “Ako Dantsu” through the ages, has some variations. Riken literally means a sharp sword, and it also means the Buddha’s wisdom to defeat worldly desires and evil spirits and defeating the evil.
While many other patterns are combinations of a main pattern and a pattern frame around it, “Kirikarakusa-mon” has no pattern frame. Paulownia tree was considered a holy tree on which phoenix perches. So the pattern was used by the Imperial family and strong warlords and considered a holy pattern.

Kojima Naka was born in Nakamura, Ako-gun (currently Nakahiro, Ako-shi) in 1823. She first met Chinese Dantsu called “Banrekisen” when she visited Takamatsu in Sanuki area with her husband. She was impressed by its beautiful color and ellaborate pattern and she devised a way to make a weaving loom using the frame of a kotatsu (a low table with a heat source) laid on its side. It was in 1849 that she made a small piece of fabric, 15 cm wide and 9 cm long, from cotton yarn. After that, she visited Shikoku, Kyushu, and Chugoku area to collect data on patterns and color combination to study Dantsu through trial and error.

In 1870, she finally finished weaving a piece of cloth the size of Zabuton cushion. Then, 4 years later in 1874, she made a bigger weaving loom for tatami size fabric and launched sales. It was 26 years after Naka started to work on Dantsu. Thereafter, she was fully committed to production and improvement, creating 3-tatami loom, 6-tatami loom, and 12-tatami loom and designing patterns.
Ako has long been widely known for its salt. “Ako Dantsu” is deeply related to salt fields. Both men and women had usually been working in the salt fields in Misaki district. But, as Dantsu factories were built, the women started to work there. With the sufficient labor supply, “Ako Dantsu” spreaded rapidly.
In the 31st year of the Meiji period (1898), there were 8 weaving factories, 100 large and small weaving looms, and 176 weavers in Ako. “Ako Dantsu”, developed by Kojima Naka, was repeatedly improved in technique, design, and quality. It came to be highly regarded and used as the carpet for the Imperial train. Even after that, it was delivered to the government as carpets for the Crown Prince’s boat, and the throne seat of the Privy Council.
When they came to make a living with Dantsu business in the 1900’s, the number of weaving factory and weaver increased. Eventually, they developed overseas market to New York, London, and Australia. It was the peak of “Ako Dantsu”.
In addition to the worsening raw cotton situation, import restrictions were imposed on the Dantsu factories under the influence of the war. The factories were forced to close one after another, and the industry followed a course of decline. Some factories reopened after the war, but “Ako Dantsu” , made by hand work, couldn’t survive the age of mass production in the midst of rapid economic growth, which left only one weaver, and the traditional technology was disappearing.
In 1991, the city of Ako started “Training Session on Weaving Technology of Ako Dantsu” in order to pass the declining traditional technology down the generations. Those who have studied there make great weavers, and open their own workshops to preserve the traditional handicraft and pass down the skills. As the Dantsu they weave is replication of old patterns as well as up to date, they are drawing people’s attention. The traditional handicraft, which nearly disappeared at one point, has come back thanks to their efforts.
Kobo Higurashi has two weavers. Each of them works on their own weaving mill at their home. “Ako Dantsu Gallery CAPE HOUSE” is located in Ako-misaki, where many Dantsu factories used to be. You can purchase actual “Ako Dantsu” there. We’ll actively hold events and exhibitions to popularize the charm of Dantsu and hand it over to the future bearers of the culture.